Saturday, November 3, 2012

Reflections on Day One of our second weekend (3-4 Nov). These are my stream of conciousness notes for the day.

Discussion began with our ISD exercise and in particular Question #4.

Learner Performance is the focus of each stage  of the model.

Formatively Evaluate Each Design Stage

Revise as Required: The five phases are ongoing activities that continue throughout the life of a training program. After building a training program, the other phases do not end once the training program is implemented. The five phases work like a loop. They are continually repeated on a regular basis to see if further improvements can be made.

Always Track Performance for process improvement.

LL Bean was the bench mark for how inventory control is impotant to your bottom line.

Proctor and gamble discussed inventory control with WALMART. When the inventory of a product drops to a certain level a shipment will be sent to replenish that inventory.

What is your tolerance for any variance in training effectiveness.
Looking at ROI according to constant evaluation. Use spikes or dips in metrics as an opportunity to evaluate your program.

Discussion turned to the flipped classroom. Some of the pros and cons of this learning technique was discussed.

-Rapid Prototyping. 50-60% is spent on analisys and design.
-Make prudent estimates with data.
Story Boards being used to present information.

Constant feedback from data collection allows course developers to focus on propper implimentation of training.

1hour of delivery can take 100-300 hours of development.

MOOC A massive open online course (MOOC) is a type of online course aimed at large-scale participation and open access via the web. MOOCs are a recent development in the area of distance education, and a progression of the kind of open education ideals suggested by open educational resources.

All this is based on collaberative learning.

Minimize test question avoidance. When developing questions and testing instruments, make sure that your questions meet your intent.

 Millers Magic Number.

Primacy Recency Effect

 File:Serial position.png

When you have the students’ focus, teach the new information. Don’t let prime-time get contaminated with wrong information.

Looking at the Seriel position effect.

Then we turned to the do they match exercise.
Day two dicussion was focused on our Webquest projects and question development.

The above question was posted and each member was directed to goto the individual page menu.

Student responses were reviewed and discussion focused the good bad good of each students questions.


The Above diagram was discussed. We looked at the importance of performance evaluation that all your performance can't be measured without having a control group to measure against.

Also discussion was turned to picking what 2 out of the three choices are the most important.


Review of the E- Learning Weekend was conducted. First goto Assignments.

Webquest review directions:-Examine each webquest (see wiki discussion for links)
-Complete each wq QUIZ by using a name we recognize (if you want credit)
-For each wq review, post the following in review wiki discussions designated for each review and in the actual wq if you are logged into zunal (optional).
-Your recognizable name (often not wiki user name)
-Name of webquest you are reviewing
-2 unique observations about wq --refer to this wq rubric
-2 observations about the quiz (refer to our guidelines)
-2 recommendations/considerations for future revision/enhancement of this wq
As professionals, please state your reviews in a unique manner so they don’t appear as if you just made copies without careful consideration. The reviews should demonstrate that you examined the individual webquests.
Lots of creative approaches and application of 463 in terms of assessment and evaluation as well as this formative evaluation technique (review process). Congrats – AA

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