Sunday, November 18, 2012

17-18 Nov E-learning weekend.

Since last I blogged we've been knocking out our webquest assignments. My webquest was about Fantasy Football. The overarching feeling that I had in regard to this assignment was a feeling of overwelming. I thought that this assignment was great. After looking at my classmates webquests, I truly realize that I could have done a better job. Morale of the story is that the work I put in was good but it could have been better.

How does training evaluation take place in your workplace?
When a new instructor arrives in our unit they are entered into what is termed "Phase One" training. During this period the intent is for each new member to accomlish all the tasks necessary to become instuctors. New instructors attended Acidemic Instructor Course in addition to initial unit level training. These individuals learn the basics of researching lesson plans and developing power points to support them. After completion of this phase one process, new instuctors are released from training and enter "Phase Two" training. This training cycle begins their practical On The Job Training (OJT) . This training is evaluated during Stan Eval and instructor evals. The evals are conducted by while an instructor is observed. This evaluates the instructors comprehension and retention of training they recieved during both phases of training.

How might you use evaluation tools outside of the workplace?
I use evalution tools with my seven year old and two year old. I also evaluate my ability to listen and respond to my wife.

What techniques might be used to evaluate performance of a team (as whole) and individual members? Include a unique, relevant link.
During the courses I teach at the USAF EC we teach several tasks. Some of these are called battle drills. These battle drills are taught to squads or groups of 9-13 people. These personnel are evaluated on their performance of the steps for each of the battle drills they're taught. Creating task performance checklists allow for students to evaluated on collective and individual tasks. Evaluating learner performance in this way allows for a practical evaluation of all members of team.

Create a brief scenario that illustrates Level 3 (Kirkpatrick) in your environment or a provide a hypothetical one.
Level 3 evaluations measure whether there was a transfer of learning to the actual work setting. This level of evaluation affects learners, managers, project stakeholders, subject matter experts (SMEs), and line supervisors. It also relates to mentoring programs, annual performance reports and development planning. After the courses in the USAF EC our students and their suppervisors recieve a Level Three feedback sheet. This feedback sheet asks both of these customers weither our training met the deployers needs.
Dr. Koller Video
Daphne Koller is enticing top universities to put their most intriguing courses online for free -- not just as a service, but as a way to research how people learn. With Coursera (cofounded by Andrew Ng), each keystroke, quiz, peer-to-peer discussion and self-graded assignment builds an unprecedented pool of data on how knowledge is processed.
With Coursera, Daphne Koller and co-founder Andrew Ng are bringing courses from top colleges online, free, for anyone who wants to take them.

Many of these courses are interesting. I would enjoy attending many of these courses.

This shows the potential of future e-learning. Much of this could be applied to the USAF EC. Our courses are more performance based, but many of the tasks taught in our courses could be completed prior to arrival through technologies like these.

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