Saturday, December 1, 2012

Dec 3rd Begining of day.

Dr Westberry  came in and discussed changes at the SIU Campus.

We completed a survey at the following link

The class is coming to an end and Dr. Ackerman started to review and discuss the syllabus and look at bring the course to a close.

Next we went into reviewing our webquests. The intent was to take the feedback of our peers and with a partner review our webquests and look at what we would change or update.

My webquest was on Fantasy Football. My partner for this exercise was Angela Miller and her webquest was on How to make Banana Pudding. We reviewed each others feedback; Angela's and Bill's. From my peers feedback I've went back to my wiki individual page and identified themes throughout my webquest. After looking at the feedback from my peers we decided that it was evident that I relide on videos to complete my task. I should have supported them with some text. My intent was to hit multiple levels of learning. I knew that some students learning better by listening and figured I could blend that style of learning with reading text. My review should have included grammar and puncuation break downs. The organization of the webquest links on the left hand side should have been reorganized to have the post test prior to the conclusion. The post and pre-tests should have been more difficult and been worded differently. I also should have restated the objective.

I learned alot from this process.

Next we went into the Eval levels scenarios. We dicussed the different levels of the frameshop scenario.

Next we went through scenarios and evaluated using the below formulas;


Benefit/Cost Ratio (BCR) and  ROI

Benefit/Cost Ratio    (Uses total benefits and costs)

BCR = Program Benefits
              Program Costs


ROI  (Costs are subtracted from total benefits for net benefits ¸ costs)

ROI% = Net Program Benefits     x 100
               Program Costs



For example, a communication skills program produced benefits of $321,600

 with a cost of $38,233.  Thus, the benefit/cost ratio would be:

BCR=  $321,600    = 8.41 or (8.41:1)


For every $1 invested, $8.41 is returned in benefits.


In this example, net benefits are $321,600 - $38,233 = $283,367.  Thus, the ROI

ROI = $283,367  X 100 = 741%


For every $1 invested, $7.41 is returned in net benefits.


Note that benefits are usually expressed as annual benefits for a complete year after the program is implemented.  While the benefits may continue after the first year, the impact usually diminishes and is omitted from calculations.  The values for ROI may be quite large, in the range of 25% to 500% in many organizations.

The picture illistrates work completed in the classroom.

Next task was to develop 1 Quiz questions per team, multiple choice, With a High Level (Bloom) not look it up with a short scenario. This is our response.

Team Amanda, Bill, Angela & Ryan
Read the short scenario below, and then circle the letter corresponding with the correct answer.
Scenario: Katie owns a small newspaper company. Due to recent road construction, she had to develop a new delivery route to ensure timely delivery of her paper. What level of evaluation did Katie use?
A) Apply
B) Analyze
C) Evaluate
D) Create
Justification: Once Katie realized there was road construction, she had to analyze all possible routes to get to her customers. She then had to evaluate each possible route to determine which is the quickest and most cost effective. Last, she had to create the new delivery route.

Manny, Nick, Steve Final Test Question:Given the following, place an X next on the line to the left of the letter for the correct Kirkpatrick Level of Evaluation from the list of possible answers that best describes the scenario.

Johnny joined the Air Force as an aircraft mechanic and went to the aircraft maintenance technical school in Texas. After completing his school, he went to his permanent duty station. After six months of working at his assigned aircraft maintenance shop, his supervisor received a survey from the technical school in Texas. This survey asked specific questions to the effectiveness of Airman Johnny's skills as an aircraft mechanic within the work section.

a) Level 3b) Level 2
c) Level 4d) Level 1

CA: a
Rationale: (a) is the correct answer as the survey is asking how the transfer of information that Johnny learned in school is impacting the work section.

Team Member: David, Javed, and Sade

Read the scenario below and select the correct answer for the following multiple choice question. Indicate the correct answer(s) by an X in the space provided. Select all that apply.


An employee not following proper fall protection procedures while working at heights receives a write-up and dismissal because this behavior can RESULT in a serious injury or death. In the event of injury, the Air Force incurs losses in productivity, medical expenses, and possible lawsuits—not to mention the effect an injury can have on the employee’s family or morale on the job site.

Q1: If a serious injury or death occurred, what could be the ending result(s)?

___ Legal actions or lawsuits

___ Lower employee morale

___ Decrease employee retention

___ Higher employee morale

Group: Duong, Al, Rantz

High Level Question

The Philadelphia Zoo was tasked with an initiative to lower their overall water usage at the zoo. After extensive brainstorming on ways of which they can reduce their water usage the board was presented by senior leadership with four choices. Given the formula for calculating return on investment (ROI). Which of these four choices presents the best ROI percentage for the zoo? Choose only one answer and circle the corresponding letter.

ROI=Benefits/Cost x 100
  1. 1.5 Million dollars saved/1.0 million in total cost
  2. 3.9 Million dollars saved/2.5 million in total cost
  3. 2.5 Million dollars saved/1.0 million in total cost
  4. 5.7 Million dollars saved/5.0 million in total cost
answer : C

Lastly we did a 90sec reflection. Everyone learned from the course.

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